JDM of Washington

September 14, 2021 - February 25, 2022

  • Website Design
  • Website Development
  • Graphic Design

Software Used:

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, HTML and CSS, Web Server

Work Overview:

WooCommerce e-commerce website for a Japanese Domestic Market (JDM)/automotive import and sales business.

JDM of Washington's logo, logo seal over a photo of an automotive shop

Logo/logo seal of JDM of Washington

JDM of Washington – Desktop and mobile device screenshots of the homepage/main webpage

Desktop and mobile device screenshots of the homepage/main webpage

JDM of Washington – Desktop and mobile device screenshots of an individual, for-sale product webpage

Desktop and mobile device screenshots of an individual, for-sale product webpage

JDM of Washington – Desktop and mobile device screenshots of the product listing/search/filtering webpage

Desktop and mobile device screenshots of the product listing/search/filtering webpage